Post-Workout Meals To Support Muscle Growth And Recovery

If you are regularly training at the gym, you know that you are investing in your fitness and protecting your long-term health. However, you are also placing your body under stress, and it’s important to support it with the right post-workout nutrition. This will help your muscles to recover and repair faster, enhancing your performance and physique.

Here’s a guide to the best meals to keep you energised, reduce muscle soreness and ensure that you are getting the most out of your hard work in the gym.

If you have a busy schedule with little time to cook from scratch, consider using a home-delivery service that provides prepared food for bodybuilders. This will take care of the nutritional needs for you, so you can focus on prioritising the rest of your recovery routine. 

Lean proteins for muscle repair

Exercise breaks down your muscle tissue, so eat lean proteins to help them repair efficiently without unwanted weight gain. Ideally, plan to eat a meal within an hour of your workout to ensure the best results. Examples of protein-rich foods include grilled chicken with quinoa, lean turkey and brown rice, or salmon with sweet potatoes. 

Complex carbs to replenish energy

Carbs are essential to replenish glycogen stores after an intense workout and will help to feel ready and energised to take the next day. Carbs also help your body to access proteins more efficiently, aiding muscle repair. However, avoid white carbs that are low in fibre, such as white pasta and rice, and white bread, as these will spike your glycerine levels.

Instead, opt for brown or complex carbs, such as whole wheat grains and pasta, sweet potatoes, and fruits such as bananas, apples, and berries.

Small amounts of healthy fats

You might be tempted to cut out all fats from your diet, particularly if you are working to achieve a lean and sculpted physique. However, unsaturated fats in controlled amounts will help to aid your recovery by promoting good joint health and reducing the risk of inflammation. 

Examples of healthy fats that are easy to include in your post-workout meals include sliced avocados, nuts and seeds, olive oil, and fish rich in omega-3s such as salmon and mackerel. 

Post-workout snacks

If your workout times are incompatible with eating a meal within one hour, then prepare some healthy snacks to replenish your nutrients and reduce the temptation to eat low-value junk. For example, a portion of mixed nuts and dried fruits is a portable snack and will be far more helpful than a bag of crisps or a chocolate bar.

Cottage cheese with rice crackers, bananas, or a bowl or natural yoghurt and red berries are also great snack choices. If you want something more indulgent, try a few squares of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70 per cent.
