How The Timing Of Meals Can Help You Hit Weight Loss Goals

If you are aiming to shed a few pounds, then it is likely that you have spent some time considering what foods you should be eating more of, and those that you need to cut out of your diet. However, as well as the types and amounts of food that we eat, the time that we eat can also make a difference.

Here’s a look at this often overlooked aspect of our diets for those who are looking to lose weight and maintain their weight when the scales hit the target. If you are time-poor and are interested in exploring meal prep options in Huddersfield to ensure that you will always have a meal ready at the right time, please get in touch with us. 


Skipping breakfast can lead to food cravings later in the day, meaning that you are more likely to overeat or consume unhealthy snacks as you crave an energy boost. Breaking your fast with a protein-rich breakfast soon after rising can stabilise your blood sugar levels and maintain a steady metabolism, which supports weight loss.


Aim to eat three well balanced meals at around the same time each day. This will get your body used to digesting and processing the nutrients it needs, staving off hunger pangs and providing consistent levels of energy. If you get hungry in between, eat a controlled portion of a healthy snack such as nuts and raisins or raw carrots.

Avoid late night meals

If you have young kids or just tend to work late, your evening meal may be eaten late at night or soon before you go to bed. This can disrupt your body’s metabolism and circadian rhythms, and the food you eat is more likely to be stored as fat rather than burned as fuel. Try to make the time to eat at least a few hours before bedtime everyday. 

General tips to enhance your weight loss goals and keep on track

Stay well hydrated

This is frequently given advice, yet many people simply don’t drink enough water. Proper hydration supports your metabolism, which in turn means that your body will make use of calories more efficiently, rather than storing them as unwanted fat. 

Good hydration also means you will have better muscle function and more energy, in turn helping you to move around more often and feel more inclined to exercise: it’s a win-win situation!

However, avoid consuming sugary drinks and be very wary of sports drinks that contain glucose, because this can actually pile the pounds back on and sabotage your efforts. It’s best to drink plain water, but if you really dislike the taste, sweeten it with a few drops of natural fruit juice.
