How To Stay Motivated With Diet & Fitness As Autumn Beckons

It seems as though summer has barely got into gear this year, but here we are back in September, and for many of us back to the usual routine after a summer break. While some people love autumn and find it energising, others find the crisper air and gradually shortening days triggers their nesting instincts.

This can make it more difficult to stay motivated enough to stick to an exercise routine and healthy eating habits. It can be just so tempting to stay indoors and snuggle up on the sofa with some comfort food. However, this can soon lead to unwanted weight gain and your fitness goals can disappear out of view. Here are some tips to stay motivated.

Eat balanced meals

Eating healthy balanced meals will give you a consistent supply of energy that makes exercising feel easier, and also reduces your temptation to reach for a quick sugar fix. If you find that making meals from scratch is too time consuming, especially during the working week, consider a meal prep delivery service.

You can tailor your choices to suit your tastes and goals, such as fat loss or muscle gain. The meals will be perfectly balanced to provide a mixture of proteins, carbs and vegetables, and skillfully prepared with fresh locally sourced ingredients. It’s one less thing to worry about as you deal with the rest of life’s demands. 

Dress for success

If you love going out for a run, cycle or other outdoor activities in the summer, but find yourself gradually hibernating as the season gets colder, invest in some warmer exercise gear that will make all the difference. Choose breathable fabrics that you can layer up or remove according to the temperature, and a lightweight showerproof jacket.

Some reflective bands and a head torch are also useful to help keep you safe on darker evenings. Even if it’s simply to justify the expense of the new clothes, you will be all the keener to stay active in all weather conditions.

Find a workout buddy

A workout buddy can help to keep you motivated and accountable to your goals, and also make your exercise routine more enjoyable. Alternatively you could join a group or a class for that extra level of camaraderie and inspiration. 

Join a gym

If the wet and dark evenings and early mornings are just not for you, consider joining a gym where you can mix up your routine with cardio and resistance training. If all else fails, you could use fitness apps or online videos to do short workouts at home that require little or no extra equipment. 

Give yourself rewards

Effort deserves reward, so plan some small weekly treats each time you hit your fitness goals or just get through a tough few days. This could be a controlled portion of your favourite food, or just an afternoon chilling on the sofa with a book or a TV box set.
